AA Kismet is a direct descendant of Dull Schicksal and later ‘The Rosebuds’ and much of the material on this, their first, CD had been recorded by those bands already or at least performed live. The problem was that these songs were a bit to ‘poppy’ to be included in the Dull Schicksal repertoire. The main idea by this CD was to make an un-ashamedly pop-album and get some respect from the ‘indierock’ scene. We succeeded on the first count and the reactions and reviews by those few who have heard the CD agree with us completely.
And although this is much more commercial then anything made by Dull Schicksal, we might understand (on second hearing) why it’s not nominated for any MTV-award or even its equivalent in Sexbierum, Friesland (pop. 1500) The opening song did inspire and served as the music for two short movies; ‘Nee’ By Segher Van Wijk and ‘Questions and answers’ By Marieke vd Lippe.

AA Kismet did one tour in 1999 with the crew that played on the first CD (Bob Drake,Luka Simonis, Eveline Ketterings and Cor Hogerdijk). The problem with playing live was that Bob & Lukas didn’t live exactly next door (Rotterdam-South of France) and the second album, AA Kismet was more or less only a studio project. Later,  AA Kismet incarnated in VRIL.

Cover Design by Daniel vd Velden


ADM records
There are still a few copies for sale, please send us an email if interested